CSA Week Four

I have to admit, whether I like the vegetable or not, I'm really enjoying taking this picture every week. I like having a visual record of everything we got in our share that week.

Four week four, we received:

Big bag of spicy mix
Head of Lettuce
Big head of Bok Choy
Buch of Radish
Bunch of Turnip
little bag of beans
A greenhouse cucumber
1.5lbs of Zucchini!
A bunch of Carrots
A greenhouse pepper
A bunch of onions
A bulb of garlic

Now I pick up our share each Wednesday, and have a week to go through it all. For this week, however, I knew we were going away on the following Monday, and I knew we were trying to clear out a bunch of edibles from the house. So my neighbour got my bok choy. My mother-in-law got most of the salad, some peppers and zucchini. And I brought my radishes and turnips with me to give to my dad, who loves raw radishes.

We were away for week 5, gave it to a friend instead, but I hear this is what was in it:

bunched arugula
napa cabbage
Head Lettuce
Red Russian Kale

I was sad to miss the fennel, but bought some next time I went to the market stand.

Next up, a couple of dishes I made with my lovely veggie share.

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