It's (STILL!) Alive!!

Yes, I've made it to the end of my first week and it is still alive!

This is my starter as of about 30 minutes ago, a few hours before it's last twice a day feeding. Tomorrow morning I start the once a day feeding, and put into the oven my first sour dough quick muffins! (And look Mary, lots of hooch but no extra layer!)

So, now that I've made it over that first all important week, Mary tells me I can now name my starter. But I admit, I am having a brain freeze when it comes to a name for this baby. Help please? Suggestions?

Cause if no one comes up with a name for me, I'm going to have to name it Mary, in honor of my friend who has been so patient with me and my daily questions! (What do you think Mary? Do you want to name my starter, or have my starter named after you?)


slush said...

WOW! Good for you, thats awesome! Mary gave me instructions months ago. And I still havent taken the plunge. Im a puss!

Cant wait to see what you name it!

breadchick said...

I'd be honored to have your starter named after me (blush, blush) but I'm afraid I'd "curse" your starter ;-)

My starters are all guys btw with the exception of my sweet sourdough starter who is named "Charlotte". My other names are Lloyd (sourdough), Fred (wheat), and Vladimir (rye). I'm not sure what they feel about being called "mother starters" but I have this mental vision of three burly biker guys hanging out at the bar in the back of my fridge :-o

Anonymous said...

Mr. Buggles

marias23 said...

How about "Bubba"?

creampuff said...

I say we call it Blobby. Congratulations! Creating a starter is on my list of food goals for sure!

Cheryl said...

I think a nerdy name is good for a started, like Seymour, Eugene or Poindexter.

Andrea said...

Great job on the starter!