Oops! "Technical" difficulties

I'd planned to have my visit to Atelier up a few days ago. I had all my pictures and the menu names of each course on my computer and was bringing my computer out of town with me.

Arrived safe and sound in Toronto, managed to meet up with Creampuff briefly, and see everyone else I needed to see. Even found myself with a tiny bit of extra time and a Williams-Sonoma and Crate and Barrel nearby.

But I left my note book with all the details of each course sitting in Ottawa.

I'm home now, tired and need to do some laundry, buy some groceries, but my notes and I have been re-united, so my review will get up very soon.


MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Oooooo you & Creampuff together. Fun fun!
I had had some plans to write up some things while we were traveling and didn't have my books with me so it was a no go for me too.

Elle said...

Glad you are home safely and have notes. That restaurant looks fab. Fun to meet with fellow bloggers, too.