Apple Picking

Hail did alot of damage to the apples this year. Most of the Honey Crisp were marked with black spots. Won't make any difference for apple pies, sauce or butter, but not so good for eating off the tree.

Unfortunately most apples were like this, laying on the ground. Our selections were limited to the Honey Crisp and McIntosh apples, with all the other trees empty.

At least it was a nice afternoon out with my boys.


creampuff said...

Awww ... that's sweet. Sorry about the apples but glad you got a chance to go apple-picking!

BC said...

We were floggin apples with the local Scouts - yum, love apple season.

Peabody said...

Oh but honey crisp is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Where did you go? We took our girls to a great apple farm near Kemptville...Mountain Apple Orchards...I think...and the picking was great and from what I could see, lots of great looking apples still on the trees!

Jenny said...

We went to the great one in Kemptville, the same one we've gone for the last few years, but they said it has not been a good year for them because of the hail and rain and cold.

Camille said...

Well, at least you had a fun day out, despite the disappointing apples. I always love to take my boys picking any kind of fruit or veggie. It is a good time.

Elle said...

Too bad about the apple damage, but it looks like it was a fun day with the boys!I'll be lookin' for those apple recipes :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa. That is some kind of hail to hit those apples like that. I can't imagine. We go apple picking up in the mountains here in a little town named Julian. It's sort of an old Western town with a pie shop that makes the most delicious pies. Looks like quite a bit of fun for a Fall day for you!